Holy Rosary Society

Holy Rosary Society

Click on the link to view a rendering of the church.



President:Roseann Ciampanelli
Treasurer: Debbie Buono
Secretary: Lynda Petrillo 

Laurie Barone – Pat Brennan – Audrey Coviello   – Eileen Hogan – Sue Magurno – Sue Mottola – Joan Palazzola – Thelma Smith – Audrey Verboys – Donna Burke – Susan DeFelice – Diane Petrosky


Mission Statement

The Holy Rosary Society is an organization established for the support of the spiritual and social needs of our parish and to promote outreach to the community at large. We also provide opportunities for parishioners to express their ideas and concerns, thus promoting involvement in the life of the parish. Our meaningful outreach projects include making Rosaries for members of the U.S. Armed Forces around the world, support of the local food pantry, and clothing drives and toiletry drives for the disadvantaged and those in need. Our members also teach religious education classes, bring Communion to the sick and homebound, care for the altar, and promote fellowship by sponsoring breakfasts, dinners, and receptions after special liturgical ceremonies.

Membership is open to all women or the parish interested in growth of their faith and support of our parish. Please feel free to contact Nancy Bourke, President (351-5625), or Diane Petrosky, Vice-President (351-5436), if you have any questions. Better still, come to one of our meetings and see for yourself.


Donations of non-perishable foods may be placed in the baskets by the doors of the churches.  A donation of one item per week, per family, would overflow the baskets!  All food donations go to the Community Food Pantry in Suffern